Thursday, October 28, 2010

YUP its been awhile.

Well as we all know life gets in the way of fun sometimes. Well thats not my excuse I just got lazy and didn't blog. Lots has happened since my last entry. Christopher graduated from high school, kids are growing up and my daycare has taken off. yeah!! I even have a new puppy. His name is snickers and he is so dang cute. He is 6 months old and I didn't have to house train him even better in my book.
Even though I do not write on my blog often I follow Circe's (Party of eight). She is awsome and inspirational. I love reading her blog before I get my day started. If only I could be as talented a writer as she is, a tenth of the mom she is, a tenth of creative and funny as she is..... oh well I just have to be thankful for what I am. HE made me and HE knows what he is doing.