Thursday, January 14, 2016

Just a few updates

I know I haven't been on much lately, but good ol' tax season is upon me and we all know paper work is  my evil downfall. On a good note though I give up, I quit, I refuse to go on anymore, I shall not do another tax year. I figure if I can hire a lawn care specialist, and a landscaper, scheduled maintenance on both air conditioner and heater, have my vents cleaned out yearly (as is recommended) do yearly maintenance on all my electronics 5 computers, 2 tablets, 7 tv's, 1 dishwasher, 2 freezers, 2 refrigerators, a stove and microwave then by darn I can make my life even simpler and give up my nemesis. I just have to tie up 2015 and she gets all of 2016 and everything from there on after. YEAH!!!!!!!!!.
I have already given everyone a copy of their tax letters with my tax ID number for you to claim your daycare expense. If you misplace it no worries I have copies.
Although I have not been posting on my blog I do still keep my ear to the ground for news or articles and I came across a few I think all of you will like.  This article goes on to tell you how to talk to your young children in a way that encourages children to continue learning rather than thinking they have finished learning. It let's the child know they worked hard learning _____ , I bet you feel really proud right now? Do you want to look for another or do another ________ now?
This is empowering the child. I loved this article.
I was at the bank the other day and the ladies and gentlemen know me well there so they know I do child care and are always asking me what new things I have bought or what fun things I am doing with the children, or if Mel has walked into "the mess" again. Well there was a lady behind me and she was quite upset that we were all joking about my daycare and spending when she and her husband spend more on childcare than they do for their house payment. She went on to say that they live paycheck to paycheck and pray no disaster strikes and I stand there laughing at the money I make.
Now I could have taken quite offence but I could really see she was upset and genuinely so emotional. So since my banking needs were done I pulled out 1 of my business cards and I handed it to her. I told her I can laugh and joke about my childcare because as my husband, who is retired Navy, goes to work every day and tells me, you know I'm only working to support your very expensive hobby right? I gave her a hug and told her call me and remind me of this meeting, because I do not advertise. I told her I'm sure I know I could help her or find other ways to help. I work with families because I believe every child deserves quality childcare regardless of the ability to pay, their race, gender, religion, basically any reason.
This got me to thinking about all the families out there struggling. I was one of those families so long ago. But the reality is is that childcare is a VERY expensive business, and for the daycare to just break even the rates have to be ridiculously high. I am rather fortunate to have my husband to pick up "the slack in my income", because if you looked at my income to hours worked to expenditures, not including toys, I run very much in the negative. I am fortunate to also qualify for grants but writing up grants and the work going into them usually runs about 100 hours each, my grant days are almost over now. I might be able to get 1 grant a year but from here on out it's a lottery for them since I am so highly qualified. Bottom line we need more providers BUT we need Congress to acknowledge that there is a need for more help both for the families and for the providers. For the families they need the help in paying for the care, for the providers the training. My 386 hours of logged in training not to mention all the books on child development, conferences I attend and do not turn in for hours logged (because I am never in need of more hours logged) or articles I read both in a magazine and on the internet. I also see classes be offered in the community I think I may like and I attend. All this costs money and it adds up fast. For me, well I have always been an over-achiever and always will be but some providers this is their job, this is what they do to pay their bills and to do all the "extra" just isn't possible. We  need Congress to step up and see that Early Childcare Education is vitally important and needs to be addressed.
I came across this article after my encounter at the bank and I though this really is an epidemic problem that needs a cure.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy 2016

WOW where did 2015 go? I'm not quite sure but what I do know is we had fun and 2016 will be even more fun.
First I will still be giving each child their very own book to keep month. I do this to advocate literacy and learning. It has been proven over and over again that when a child is read to at a young age their vocabulary increases as do their desire to read on their own.

Second I will be doing more with the children on writing in their journals. This past year the children had such enthusiasm about it that I want to see how they do if I make it a formal thing we have to do.

Third I will be teaching the children the pledge of allegiance. We will be doing this every morning before we start our play day. So basically after breakfast.

I am in need of a few donations and if you have any of the items laying around your house or you wish to purchase them and donate them I would greatly appreciate it. All items that are needed are posted by the sign in/out book.

I want to bring your attention to my working vacation this year. In July I will take my "vacation". But what it really means is I get to attend a FABULOUS NAFCC daycare conference, and visit long time friends. Where the conference is being held is only about 5 miles from my old home. But most of all I get to go and see all of my old church family members.

I wish I could take each and everyone one of you to show you the "real San Diego" and not just the tourist attractions.

Thursday, December 10, 2015


The Brown truck came. YES that's right, our magical brown truck guy delivered wonderful new toys and boy are we excited. OH YEAH and more is on the way.....

Grateful Challenge Day 2

I was sitting in a small child size chair taking pictures of the children and Molly our beagle dog comes over and just sits staring at me. It was like she was saying "take my picture", So I did. I always choose rescue dogs because, well because they need to be rescued. However, in the end I think it is we that are rescued by their absolute devotion and love. Molly is just 1 out of 3 of our dogs and each and everyone is a form of rescue, and I am so grateful that they have rescued my heart. Who better to watch a sappy movie with and cry over the ending sniffling away and then these big brown eyes lift up as if to say "it's ok" then promptly insist a belly rub because you so rudely woke her from a wonderful nap.
Big brown eyed Beauty

excuse me it is NOT time to get up


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

My Challenge to you

I came across an interesting video on Facebook and realized that I could not only use this is my life I needed it my life. It will be a challenge, and some days maybe even a struggle, but I WILL do it and I I will SUCCEED. I will take a picture of something I am grateful for every day and I will document why I am grateful for whatever it is I took the picture of regardless of how silly. I will do this for 365 days, and my challenge to you is this....... Will you do it with me..... on the internet or in a private book, either way I am sure it will change your life. check out the link
The stories are uplifting and joyful.
Day 1
 My husband, My best friend, my world. What would I do without him? He keeps me grounded, and he is my rock in any storm. I love him more than any words could describe.
Mel and Val

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

What's Up? So Much is happening.

First and Foremost I want to thank everyone for being there for me and my family when I had to take Mel to the ER because we thought he was having a heart attack. Being alone in the ER with your spouse of 25 years and thinking this is the day I have to say good bye was the most scariest day of my life. One quick text to my sister in law and I knew I wouldn't be alone for long. Some good things came out of that harrowing  experience though. Mel did not have a heart attack but is preemptive of one because of high blood pressure and other factors, and because of those early signs we are able to do whatever we can to counter act or lessen the chances of a heart attack.
 I want to share a poem that I came across during all the chaos of the last 3 months and then again when I brought Mel home from the hospital. It's title is "The Dash"  by Linda Ellis

The Dash
I read of a man who stood to speak 
at the funeral of a friend.

He referred to the dates of her tombstone
From beginning to end.

He noted that first came the date of her birth 
And spoke of the following date with tears.

But he said what mattered most of all
was the dash between those years.

For the dash represents all the time 
That she spent alive here on earth.

And now only those who loved her 
Know what that little line is worth.

For it matters not how much we own,
The cars, the house, the cash.

What matters is how we live and love
And how we spend our dash.

So think about this long and hard.
Are there things you would like to change?

For you never know how much time you have left,
That still can be rearranged.

If we could just slow down enough 
To consider what is true and real.

And always try to understand 
the way other people feel.

And be less quick to anger,
And show appreciation more

And love the people in our lives 
Like we have never loved before.

If we treat each other with respect,
And more often wear a smile

Remembering that this special dash 
might only last a little while.

So, when your eulogy is being read 
With your life's actions to rehash

Would you be proud of the things they say 
About how you spent your dash?

For my own reasons after reading this again when I was home again with Mel I sat and just sobbed. You go through life thinking you have all the answers and no matter what through thick or thin you stand tall and strong. I realized I do not have all the answers that life throws my way, but I do have experience to guide me and Faith that leads me.  Nor am I strong, but again Faith, Family and Love will be there.
My advice to all is this..... You have but one chance, there are no do overs. Love life and all it offers. Love and listen to the wonders of your children, laugh at the silliness of nothing, forgive the mess on the wall as a memory. Because as Linda Ellis said "Would you be proud on how you spent your dash?"

Making joyful music

Sierra on the gathering drum

Sierra taking a snack break

Talin on the large Croking Frog

Sierra Beckett Brennon Drum roll please

Brennon showing Sierra more drum moves

Brielle on the Pan flute

Monday, November 23, 2015


I am sure I could go oN and on and on about all the fun we are having but I think I will just let the pictures do the talking

Developmental Skills

Instead of reinventing the wheel, here are some of my most popular posts on the benefits of sensory play- be sure to check them out!

The Science of Slime

Although we used this activity as sensory play rather than a science lesson, making slime is actually a pretty amazing demonstration of how polymers work. If you are looking for more hands-on STEM activities for preschool- and elementary-school-aged kids, I wholeheartedly recommend The Curious Kid’s Science Book by Asia Citro (author of the Fun At Home With Kids blog). I love this book because, unlike most other science books I have come across, Asia focuses on the inquiry process and helping children design and test their own experiments, which is great for problem solving, higher level thinking, and most importantly keeping that wonderful curiosity and love of learning alive.
is there any more
not quite sure yet
what is this
check out this color
mine looks like blood

mine looks like poop

I like purple

wow I love this

do we get to keep this

I don't want to touch it

I'm want to put it everywhere

I don't think my dad is going to like this



it really looks like poop

I have snot 

I touched it












